Thursday 26 September 2013

Photo Journalism

  • Photojournalism - Explain what it is
Henri Cartier Bresson -                                                    

Why is he famous?
Henri Cartier Bresson is famous for being one of the worlds leading photographers. he took great pictures like the one below with the Leica camera.

Why is his work significant in photojournalism?
His work is renowed across the world and his relationship and skills with the camera will remain a strong ambition to young people who want to be successful photographers.

These are some of his works:

His Camera Tecniques: 
Using his famous Leica camera, Henri used the technique  *the desicive moment* which is all about being in the right place at the right time finding the exact seconds where that picture is perfectly in place, all of this was done by his Leica camera. Made my the Germans who were a few years ahead in developing camera's than other countries.